December 2023 - Page 2 Of 20 - A WordPress Commenter

WordCamp Asia Extends Sponsor Application Deadline

The WordCamp Asia organizing team has extended its call for sponsors until Thursday, November 30, 2023. In an update on the official website, organizers explained that they received feedback from multiple potential sponsors regarding why they had been unable to apply before the original deadline.  Some of the reasons included the following: The availability of travel visas Team […]

How to Use New Relic WordPress to Find Performance Issues?

New Relic APM is a super handy tool that lets you monitor the nitty-gritty of your WordPress website. It’s like putting on X-ray specs for your site, helping you spot troublemakers like problematic plugins, themes, sluggish database queries, or sneaky coding errors that are messing with your site’s performance. The cool part is that if you’re using Cloudways, […]