What is Evergreen Content? A Beginner Guide With Best Tips

Over the last 14 years, we’ve published many evergreen articles on our blog.
That’s why we survived all the freaky updates from Google.
Evergreen content helps you generate SOLID traffic even after a few years of publishing it.
Have a look at our blog’s traffic report;
As you can see, we generated over 1.2 million visitors and 1.6 million total sessions in just one year. Most of that traffic comes from Google.
A BIG credit goes to the evergreen articles we often publish on our blog.
What is Evergreen Content?
Evergreen content is ANY content that is timeless. It stays relevant even after five years.
Remember, your content MUST provide LONG-TERM value to your target audience.
For instance, a how-to guide offering comprehensive and clear instructions on creating a website is likely to attract and retain visitors for a longer period compared to a website showcasing the latest SEO trends, which may quickly become outdated and irrelevant.
What is Evergreen Content? A Beginner Guide With Best Tips Keep Reading »
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