What is cPanel? Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started With It

What is cPanel? Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started With It

cPanel is a graphical user interface that helps you manage your website. 

There are many web hosts that come with cPanel installed on their hosting platforms. Also, there are a few web hosts like Hostinger that use their own control panels.

In this post, you’ll learn what is cPanel hosting, its major benefits, pros, cons, and more.

So, let’s jump into the details without much ado.

What Is cPanel? The Most Used Control Panel Explained for Beginners

What is cPanel?

cPanel (popularly known as control panel) is designed to manage your web hosting easily. The cPanel hosting service is basically a Linux web hosting with cPanel installed.

cPanel is one of the world’s most popular web hosting control panels, which is used to manage domains and website files, create email accounts, databases, and more.

cPanel is typically included with most web hosting plans and can be easily accessed by logging into your web hosting account and clicking on the cPanel icon.

Here’s an example of what a cPanel looks like (Bluehost);


What is cPanel? Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started With It Keep Reading »
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